Web Takeover July 2024

On The 17th of July 2024, two students took over the school website for the day!

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We start the day off looking at the website and coming up with ideas for improvements


AC is working on a work experience page to document the creativity of students and staff.

MH is working on a term dates page.


A work experience page has been added to the site!

Term dates are now available under the ‘learning with us’ menu

Students plan to take photos at lunch for these pages and for the staff page

MH now working on a psychology subject page

AC working on the music subject page


Over lunch, students took photos of all of the work experience events going on today and were sent them by Cath and Selena.

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Students learned how to add images to the site

(from a Google Drive folder)

(From a Google Search)


MH working on a media studies page!

AC updating the staff page with images!


Students have finished lots of updates and are completing them faster than Melanie can send them live! We are all feeling pretty exhausted now, but this has been a great day and students have done tons of work to improve the site!


What we achieved today:

A new work experience page was added

An updated page for Music

A new page for Psychology

A new page for Media Studies

An Updated staff page

An updated page for DT

A new page for term dates

An updated Page for GCSE English